I've ditched the one-size-fits-all mindset to bring you tailored, holistic magic!
Just like you, I'm a multi-skilled, multi-passionate soul. I believe in nurturing every facet of your being which is why I tailor each and everyone of my client’s experience based on their needs.
Your well-being isn't one-dimensional. I see you as a multi-layered masterpiece – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual – and I'm here to nurture every aspect use a range of different modalities. Some are listed below and others I intuitively channel depending on what comes through.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming, or NLP, is like a user manual for your mind. It reveals the connections between your neurological processes, language patterns, and behavioral patterns. Through NLP, you learn to rewire your thought patterns, enabling profound personal transformation.
Timeline Therapy centers on the concept that your personal timeline is a representation of your life experiences. By revisiting and reframing pivotal events on this timeline, you can release emotional baggage and embrace a renewed sense of self.
Life coaching is when you have a 360 degree look at your life and identify areas that you would like to work on. It will help you understand yourself more, set clear goals and have someone to keep you accountable so you don’t go back to your old habits or self sabotage.
Wellness Coaching looks at the key areas of your health such as your sleep, nutrition, movement, the environment and what impact this is having on your life. It will help you understand your overall wellbeing and then put in place a plan to improve it.
Aren’t you sick of trying sooooo many things yet nothing gets you results quickly or how’d you had hoped?
I get you girl! I was the same. I was sick of going to so many different practitioners, telling them “my story” and hoping that after one session I would be healed and ready to take on the world. I would leave the sessions feeling a bit lighter but no real sense of direction or a plan as to what I would do next.
I then noticed that whilst I was working as a Health Coach in Sydney that all my patients were having the same problem. They wanted to make a positive change to their life but they kept getting in the way of themselves by self-sabotaging or diverting back to bad habits.
I then created my signature 1:1 mentoring programs - Rise & Conquer. It’s the perfect blend of receiving healing in a really safe & nurturing way and then having daily accountability to ensure you stay ahead of the game and keep kicking goals!
Once we’ve hit it off (I am a BIG believer on us having a connection as I believe trusting your practitioner is the #1 thing that will get you the results you’re wanting) and you’ve taken off your Miss Independent I don’t need help armor, we will then dive deep into your subconscious uncovering your limiting beliefs and heal your big T and/or little T trauma
Once you have healed and you’ve got the clarity and confidence to go after the life you’ve always wanted; we will create a plan of action so that dream life now becomes a reality!
And because you’ve healed your subconscious blocks, your manifests will happen 10000 x quicker and 10000 x easier!
If you’re interested in knowing more, Krystle’s got a fab video - take a look below.
If you want to stay the same and aren’t willing to do the work - coaching is not for you. Coaching takes commitment, trust, faith and courage.
I believe that everyone has a choice and that is why I do not work with people who are in a victim mentality. I understand why you might be this way; but in my eyes you are uncoachable as deep down you actually don’t want to change even if you say you do. This can come from your upbringing where getting attention whether good or bad was the way that you learnt you were loved. At the end of the day; you need to know that you are loved and that you don’t need to be a victim to your own reality. If you believe this might be you; I would get curious about your why me mentality.
It's possible subconscious blocks are at play.
Deep within, you hold narratives, beliefs, and conditioning from years past. As 90-95% of your mind and body reside in the subconscious, it's what drives the show, not your conscious mind.
Making sustainable change becomes challenging due to this.
But here's the good news: awareness is your first step toward change. So because you have an idea of what might be holding you back; you’re in the best position to making this a transformative experience.
Even better news: Krystle specialises in empowering women to become their very own Powerhouse Woman by rewriting their stories, upgrading their mindset and healing from within.
You’re fed up with self sabotaging yourself and getting nowhere
You have a coach who deeply understands you and calls you out on your B.S. whilst also being super nurturing (hello Cancerian Sun & Capricorn rising)
You’re ready to have your dream life and feel excited and motivated for life
You know you’re meant for a different life and now you’re all in ready to be cracked open